Melba Rivera
Melba Rivera has dedicated 42 years of service to the Latino Community of Lake County. In the early years of her professional career, she worked for the Lake County Sheriff as a counselor in their Work Release Program. Being one of the few bilingual and bicultural staff, she experienced the overwhelming daily needs of Latinos and their lack of orientation to community resources. That is what motivated Melba to join and establish the Latino Coalition in 2000. Since its foundation, Melba Rivera has highly contributed to its development.
Today, she works for the Lake County State’s Attorney’s office as a Victim Witness Coordinator where she uses her expertise in training and leading victims through the complex legal system as well as bridging and fostering the understanding of cultures. Melba has championed the fundraising activities of the CLULC and has been instrumental in the institution of “Noche de Gala” and the CLULC scholarship program.
She has served in the capacity of Vice President and has earned the status of Founder with CLULC. She has mentored many young Latinas since the foundation of the Latino Coalition and has contributed to their personal and professional development. Melba is highly respected and appreciated among members of the Latino community of Lake County. She has served in many community boards and advisories including the College of Lake County, University Center, Urban League, United Way, and the YWCA, in addition to her participation in civic activities, she also finds time to enjoy her family.