Monthly Meeting

United Way of Lake County

Sara Martinez will be providing information on 211 Lake County.

211 is a free, confidential, 24-hour information and referral helpline connecting individuals and families in need with access to available health and human services.  211 is Lake County’s one-stop-shop for help!

Lotus Life & Wellness

Erika will be sharing information about services available at Lotus.

Oak Street Health

Oak Street Health is primary care for Adults on Medicare.

Erie Family Health Center

Presentation on programs and services that Erie provides to improve the health of people in Waukegan, Lake County.

Faith In Place

Faith In Place will be providing educational information on the Migration and Me Program.


Justo Arellano will give a presentation on services provided at HACES.

Prairie State Legal Services

Jacqueline Herrera Giron discusses legal services for victims of domestic violence